Travel to Jarsath Wastes and head to ( -850, -121, -607 ) Copy/waypoint -850, -121, -607(fastest way is to Druid Ring to Jarsath and then Sokokar to the Kylong Post), use your mask and speak with a wise rhino at ( -681, -128, -622 ) Copy/waypoint -681, -128, -622.
Kill 10 razorfangs and 3 sick rhinos. The razorfangs can be found scattered in the surrounding area, and the sick rhinos are lying down on the ground around the pond.
Bring grindhove calves to ( 647, -45, 704 ) Copy/waypoint 647, -45, 704 (Mine updated at ( 536, -44, 458 ) Copy/waypoint 536, -44, 458) They will help you fight as you go. If you have a flying mount, you can fly here without fighting anything.