Basil Askerville only spawns during in-game night. If it is nighttime, and he is not there when you arrive, kill the werewolves at the camp and he should spawn with a second wave of werewolves.
Go to Arkelek's Gash and find the three blades. These appear as swords on the ground. After you examine them, kill the Blade of Aeristrom that spawns. Defeat them in the following order:
( -173, 4, 335 ) Copy/waypoint -173, 4, 335
( -301, -4, 339 ) Copy/waypoint -301, -4, 339
( -333, 1, 463 ) Copy/waypoint -333, 1, 463
Return to Basil Askerville.
Speak with Ardan Zimel on the steps of Castle Mistmoore. He will spawn as you near the location. ( 457, 133, -10 ) Copy/waypoint 457, 133, -10.
After you finish his dialogue, you will be attacked by several villagers of Somborn. You do not need to kill them.
Go to Mistmoore Catacombs, climb the The Ascent to the second floor (vampire floor), and click on the chest at ( -74, -31, 28 ) Copy/waypoint -74, -31, 28.
Go to Kaladim, and examine a pile of books on the second floor of a small building. ( -12, 33, -279 ) Copy/waypoint -12, 33, -279
Obtain the following items to make the duplicate keys:
Clear the rock pile groups to spawn if not up; long spawn time, 15-20 minutes.
key mold: Defeat Iron Lord Kraxxaxis and his Grungetalon foremans on the roof of the building where you inspected the book. ( -16, 43, -282 ) Copy/waypoint -16, 43, -282
forge hammer of Bolgin: Kill the Ratillik clerics and Ratillik high priest ( 58, 30, -466 ) Copy/waypoint 58, 30, -466
forge hammer of Syrill: Kill the Ratillik clerics and Ratillik high priest ( 45, 30, -516 ) Copy/waypoint 45, 30, -516
Construct the duplicate keys at the anvil on the first floor of the building where you inspected the book. ( -16, 27, -279 ) Copy/waypoint -16, 27, -279
Polish the keys at the grinding stone on the second floor. ( -11, 34, -284 ) Copy/waypoint -11, 34, -284
Return to the chest on the top floor of the Mistmoore Catacombs. ( -74, -31, 28 ) Copy/waypoint -74, -31, 28
Speak with the Keeper of the Blade and answer the riddles within 30-minutes. If you fail to answer a riddle correctly, an Armor of Mistmyr will aggro and attack. Defeating it will be treated as if you had answered the riddle correctly, you will still get a quest update and can move to the next riddle. The riddles are given in Thulian. If you or your party members do not speak Thulian, then your only option is to fight the Armors of Mistmyr. The correct answers are: