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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced Chaos Descending
Journal Level 110 (Tier 12)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind more
How to Start Speak with Recipes for Adventure at ( 454, -202, -1432 ) Copy
part of: Chaos Descending Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
The Scrivener's Tale: A Bee in Need, A Bee Indeed
Followed by:
The Scrivener's Tale

What does this information mean?

Required Materials[]

Bring at least:


  1. Type /cry to receive Recipe Scroll: Celestial Nilborien Mount Illusion (you must be in Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind when you do this) "Xegony has heard your plea and has blessed you by giving you a recipe to create a nilborien illusion... Just like in the story!"
  2. Scribe Recipe Scroll: Celestial Nilborien Mount Illusion
  3. Craft a Celestial Nilborien Mount Illusion on an Engraved Desk.
    • You may want to use a Potion of Progress here if you are impatient or don't like longer craft times. This one takes about 2-3 mins and is nowhere near as easy and fast as the entire earlier portion of the quest line.
    • Save yourself some time and use a summoned desk rather than the suggestion below.
    • There is an Engraved Desk on the second floor of the Library. Go to the South Wing Catalog, then through the teleporter at ( 332, 15, 173 ) Copy to the Crafters' Gallery.
  4. Use the Celestial Nilborien Mount Illusion from your mount inventory while in Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind.
    • You must replace your current equipped mount with the illusion, then Summon Mount. (If it does not want to go into your mount window, you could have maxed your number of mounts. Trying removing a mount and putting this in its place and then equip it.) It will not update the quest if used in the mount appearance slot
  5. Take the teleporter at ( 143, -179, -820 ) Copy to Crosswind Isle. Take the teleporter at ( 384, 181, -250 ) Copy to The Aerie and travel to ( 1228, 279, -43 ) Copy
  6. Take the teleporter at ( -516, 357, -429 ) Copy to retrace your path back to Recipes for Adventure at ( 454, -202, -1432 ) Copy in The Windglades, or evac.


  • At least 14p 21g 53s 73c 48,000 status