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Required Materials[]
Bring at least:
- In Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands click on a collapsed elder arborian at ( -337, 35, -28 ) Copy/waypoint -337, 35, -28 to receive Recipe Scroll: Earthen Balm.
- Scribe Recipe Scroll: Earthen Balm, craft Earthen Balm on a Chemistry Table, and use the balm on a collapsed elder arborian at ( -338, 35, -29 ) Copy/waypoint -338, 35, -29.
- Speak with Temry Loneivy at ( -335, 35, -35 ) Copy/waypoint -335, 35, -35.
- Tincture of Bark Recipe
- At least 3p 1g 92s 16c 48,000 status
- Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands: Catalogue Creature ability (auto scribed in Abilities in Knowledge book, this will be needed for next quest)