What does this information mean?
Steps [ ]
Use the new ability Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands: Catalogue Creature (range is 15m) to catalog the following creatures (can be done in any order): [NOTE: Group update for any member in range]
Catalog Entry I: a needlescale basilik in Rim of Erosion near ( -309, 39, -49 ) Copy /waypoint -309, 39, -49
Catalog Entry II: a gemmed protector in Rim of Erosion near ( -309, 39, -49 ) Copy /waypoint -309, 39, -49
Catalog Entry III: an earth emissary in Rim of Erosion near ( -309, 39, -49 ) Copy /waypoint -309, 39, -49
Catalog Entry IV: a warder of earth in Shade Arbor near ( -30, 62, 256 ) Copy /waypoint -30, 62, 256
Catalog Entry V: a vekerchiki drone in the Forest Barrens near ( 175, 49, 525 ) Copy /waypoint 175, 49, 525
Catalog Entry VI: an arbiter of earth atop the walls in Terrak Temple near ( 254, 139, 144 ) Copy /waypoint 254, 139, 144
Catalog Entry VII: a terrak temple guardian in Collapsed Mesa near ( 147, 160, -48 ) Copy /waypoint 147, 160, -48
Catalog Entry VIII: an arborian temple protector or an arborian temple guardian in Collapsed Mesa near ( 147, 160, -48 ) Copy /waypoint 147, 160, -48
Speak with Temry Loneivy at ( -335, 35, -35 ) Copy /waypoint -335, 35, -35 .
Rewards [ ]