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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced Chaos Descending
Journal Level 110 (Tier 12)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Doomfire, the Burning Lands more
How to Start Click on the pile of red shards at ( 166, 44, 75 ) Copy
part of: Chaos Descending Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
The Scrivener's Tale: Erecting the Monument
Followed by:
The Scrivener's Tale: A Healthy Handoff

What does this information mean?


  1. Use Track Harvestables to find a strange bag located randomly inside one of the Cinder Nests.
    • Potential locations include:
      • 201, 67, 44 ) Copy
      • 192, 50, 7 ) Copy
      • 283, 102, 11 ) Copy
        The Scrivener's Tale Difficulties Delivering quest - a strange bag
    • Alternatively, you can purchase an Empty Unscorchable Bag for 120p 5c from Krevat at ( 413, 92, 316 ) Copy.
  2. Click on the pile of red shards at ( 166, 44, 75 ) Copy.
  3. Speak to Mourndax V'Zeaar at ( 16, 7, 100 ) Copy and give him the Unscorchable Bag of Red Shards.
  4. Return to Myrist, the Great Library
  5. Take the teleporter at ( 388, 16, 170 ) Copy in the South Wing Catalog, second floor of Myrist, the Great Library to speak with Ghida Borrell in the Smiths' Gallery at ( 660, 412, 59 ) Copy.

