Take the portal to the Smiths' Gallery ( 388, 16, 170 ) Copy/waypoint 388, 16, 170 in the 2nd floor South Wing Catalog to speak with Ghida Borrell at ( 660, 412, 59 ) Copy/waypoint 660, 412, 59
Find Yrag the Swift, a snail that wanders the first (ground) floor of Myrist, the Great Library. (Found at ( 396, -5, 12 ) Copy/waypoint 396, -5, 12 heading clockwise around the room.)
After you click him, nothing will happen but the quest then tells you to see Ghida.
Take the elevator at ( 422, -5, -13 ) Copy/waypoint 421.50, -4.96, -12.86, then use the teleporter in the South Wing Catalog ( 388, 16, 170 ) Copy/waypoint 388, 16, 170 to the Smiths' Gallery and speak with Ghida Borrell at ( 660, 412, 59 ) Copy/waypoint 660, 412, 59.
There is a sewing table in the Crafters' Gallery. You can reach it by taking the teleporter to the South Wing Catalog and taking the teleporter across the room to the Crafters' Gallery.