What does this information mean?
Required Materials[]
Bring at least:
- Scribe Recipe Scroll: Instructedible Cookie
- Use the Stove and Keg on the first floor of the Library in the Myrist Commissary at ( 25, -20, 74 ) Copy/waypoint 25, -20, 74 (room just south of the main entrance) to make the Instructedible Cookie.
- Speak with the floating book Recipes for Adventuring at ( 280, 15, 29 ) Copy/waypoint 280, 15, 29 on the 2nd floor in the library.
- Travel to Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind using the portal at ( 715, 412, -379 ) Copy/waypoint 715, 412, -379.
- Now in Eryslai speak with Recipes for Adventure at ( 454, -202, -1432 ) Copy/waypoint 454, -202, -1432 .