What does this information mean?
Required Materials[]
Bring at least:
- Click on 5 ill custodians around the librarian quarters at ( 323, -34, 163 ) Copy/waypoint 323.31, -33.63, 163.26.
- Click on a diseased custodian's corpse at ( 293, -35, 209 ) Copy/waypoint 293, -35, 209.
- NOT group wide, each member needs to click.
- Speak to Dylindra Morganna at ( 306, -35, 165 ) Copy/waypoint 306, -35, 165.
- Scribe Recipe Scroll: Containment Box and craft Empty Containment Box on a Woodworking Table.
- Right-click on the Empty Containment Box in your inventory, choose Examine, then Place the runestone into the box and seal it.
- Speak with Dylindra Morganna in the Myrist Librarian Quarters at ( 306, -35, 165 ) Copy/waypoint 306, -35, 165 and give her the Sealed Containment Box.
- At least 3p 1g 92s 16c 48,000 status