Take the portal to the Smiths' Gallery ( 388, 16, 170 ) Copy/waypoint 388, 16, 170 in the 2nd floor South Wing Catalog to speak with Ghida Borrell at ( 660, 412, 59 ) Copy/waypoint 660, 412, 59
Caution: if the crafting process is interrupted, you lose the materials you have gathered and they do not repopulate. You will need to drop the quest and start over.
Collect the recipe scroll in the Smiths' Gallery at ( 635, 411, 41 ) Copy/waypoint 635, 411, 41 in Myrist, the Great Library (accessed from a transporter in the South Wing Catalog, which is down a hallway to the south on the second floor of the Library ( 388, 15, 169 ) Copy/waypoint 388, 15, 169
To find the Planar Binding Kit and the Latch Bindings take the main library 2nd floor teleporter at ( 332, 15, 173 ) Copy/waypoint 332, 15, 173 to the Crafters' Gallery. These are chests with green sparkles.
Speak with Ghida Borrell in the Smith's Gallery at ( 660, 412, 59 ) Copy/waypoint 660, 412, 59. She gives you Embolden Spellbook.