What does this information mean?
Required Materials[]
Bring at least:
- Speak with Recipes for Adventure at ( 454, -202, -1432 ) Copy/waypoint 454, -202, -1432.
- Scribe Recipe Scroll: Offering to Xegony.
- Travel to what looks like a teleport pad next to the portal at ( 122, -181, -819 ) Copy/waypoint 122, -181, -819 on the same island.
- The location looks like a guild hall teleport pad.
- Click the object that looks like a teleport pad to place the offering.
- Speak with Recipes for Adventure at ( 454, -202, -1432 ) Copy/waypoint 454, -202, -1432.
- At least 3p 1g 92s 16c 48,000 status