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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced Chaos Descending
Journal Level 110 (Tier 12)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind more
How to Start Speak with Recipes for Adventure at ( 454, -202, -1432 ) Copy
part of: Chaos Descending Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
The Scrivener's Tale: Seeding the Tale
Followed by:
The Scrivener's Tale: The Proof of Power

What does this information mean?

Required Materials[]

Bring at least:


  1. (If you left Eryslai after getting quest) Take the Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind portal in Myrist at ( 717, 412, -378 ) Copy
  2. Take the teleporter at ( 143, -179, -820 ) Copy to Crosswind Isle. Take the teleporter at ( 319, 181, -250 ) Copy to the Bixel Hive. Travel to ( -552, 362, -371 ) Copy and receive Recipe Scroll: Sticky Honey Trap.
  3. Scribe Recipe Scroll: Sticky Honey Trap and craft 5 Sticky Honey Trap on a Stove.
  4. Travel back to the Bixel Hive.
  5. Place 5 traps in the hive. Trap locations are shown by yellow glowing areas in the hive. Some possible locations:
    • -584, 385, -243 ) Copy
    • -542, 415, -170 ) Copy
    • -572, 441, -91 ) Copy
    • -603, 499, -162 ) Copy
    • -517, 526, -109 ) Copy
    • -663, 573, -137 ) Copy
    • -464, 637, -182 ) Copy
    • Note: The locations are all accessible without combat, but you may need to fly up and around mobs to avoid aggro. The bixels do not see invisibility, so that's another means of skirting aggro. There also was a bug on beta which could bug you if you and a group mate click one of the trapping locations at the same time.
  6. Take the teleporter at ( -516, 357, -429 ) Copy to retrace your path back to Recipes for Adventure at ( 454, -202, -1432 ) Copy on the Windglades (or evac).


  • At least 3p 1g 92s 16c 48,000 status