(If you left Eryslai after getting quest) Take the Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind portal in Myrist at ( 717, 412, -378 ) Copy/waypoint 717, 412, -378
Take the teleporter at ( 143, -179, -820 ) Copy/waypoint 143, -179, -820 to Crosswind Isle. Take the teleporter at ( 319, 181, -250 ) Copy/waypoint 319, 181, -250 to the Bixel Hive. Travel to ( -552, 362, -371 ) Copy/waypoint -552, 362, -371 and receive Recipe Scroll: Sticky Honey Trap.
There is a Stove & Keg at the Aerie. Take the portal at ( -515, 356, -421 ) Copy/waypoint -515, 356, -421 to Crosswind Isle then portal to the Aerie to the stove at ( 932, 331, 23 ) Copy/waypoint 932, 331, 23
There is a Stove & Keg in the Myrist Commissary, just off the foyer of the Library at ( 25, -20, 74 ) Copy/waypoint 25, -20, 74.
Note: The locations are all accessible without combat, but you may need to fly up and around mobs to avoid aggro. The bixels do not see invisibility, so that's another means of skirting aggro. There also was a bug on beta which could bug you if you and a group mate click one of the trapping locations at the same time.
Take the teleporter at ( -516, 357, -429 ) Copy/waypoint -516, 357, -429 to retrace your path back to Recipes for Adventure at ( 454, -202, -1432 ) Copy/waypoint 454, -202, -1432 on the Windglades (or evac).