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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 50 (Tier 6)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Examine an Ill-Fated Cleric Journal, a chest drop from Agony in the Feerrott at ( -1860, -22, 639 ) Copy
part of: Heritage Quests Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  • This quest is also part of the Temple of Cazic-Thule Timeline.
  • The respawn rate of Agony is approximately 17 minutes if you kill all three named thought bleeders. However, if you just kill Agony and leave at least one of the other two named thought bleeders alive, the respawn time is faster (around 5 minutes). Therefore, if you need the journal for more than one character, kill Agony and not the rest of the encounter.


  1. Enter The Temple of Cazic-Thule in The Feerrott. ( -1701, -8, 820 ) Copy
  2. Collect the blood of the four:
  3. Find the Fountain of Fear. ( 0, 27, -231 ) Copy
    • This starts a 1-hour timer. The update is received at the lower section of the pool, not the upper part with the ring event for the Acidic Mass.
  4. Within the time limit, find and examine the Basin of Bara'Kur. ( 62, 2, -7 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  5. Kill Thulian terrorfiends for a key (auto-update).
    • These share spawns with the other Thuilian amygdalans. Some possible spawns are ( 22, 1, 22 ) Copy, ( -71, -20, -100 ) Copy, ( -1, -6, -81 ) Copy, or ( 66, -19, -109 ) Copy
  6. Use the key to enter a special instance of the Sanctum of Fear called The Chamber of the Keeper. ( -18, -10, -173 ) Copy
  7. Kill Gorfuzod the Keeper. See Chamber of the Keeper Walkthrough for a detailed explanation on how to summon him.
  8. Once you have killed the Keeper, the Screaming Mace spawns above the table at the back of the room. Claim it to complete the quest.

