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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Cobalt Scar
Introduced LU66
Journal Level 96 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Cobalt Scar more
How to Start Speak with Osh4280, -1076, 1453 ) Copy
part of: Cobalt Scar Timeline
Preceded by:
Shellfish Ambassador
Followed by:
Going Home

What does this information mean?


  1. Visit the area around ( 4962, -1097, 2095 ) Copy
  2. Speak to Osh
  3. Collect items along the beach (all respawn rather quickly):
    • 3 smaller pieces of driftwood - from branches of the large white tree trunks
    • 9 conch shells - emanating blue bubbles (these can also be in the water by the shore)
    • 3 undamaged netting - upright nets with a white sparkle effect
  4. Speak to Osh
  5. Assemble 3 shamanic totems by using a pile of shells, netting, and driftwood in your inventory to create each totem
  6. Place the totems by clicking the yellow sparkle effects around the east side of the camp ( 4356, -1083, 1422 ) Copy4274, -1087, 1410 ) Copy4239, -1082, 1475 ) Copy
  7. Speak to Osh


  • Although the quest tells you "explore deeper waters" to the southwest, the area you need to visit is in shallow water at Splinters Rest, where the Drakeland wyverns are found.


  • At least 1p 30g