-35,000 faction will also be needed to speak to the residents for step 1.1 - This is not necessary if they are grey con to you, meaning you are 88 or above..You can perform Hides for Sebilis quest to start gaining factions.
Faction is not needed if you can use the Soothe spell.
Kill Undead in Jarsath Wastes at Venril's Crown until you get a Chest containing an Officer's Report. This item is Lore and may be purchased from the broker. The mobs CAN be grey con.
I should search for the first missing flail, the Byzola Flail Head. This item is a chest drop from a Caroeth battlemage or an enchanted barricade, both of which are found in front of and behind the red portal in Chardok. Alternatively, you can buy the item from a broker.
NB: you may want to check if both flail heads are available on the broker (see next step) before you decide to purchase one as they drop in same place so you have to go there anyway if not. The mobs CAN be grey con.
Go to the Cave of Fear in Feerrott. Hail the Iksar Othixis at ( -1911, -25, 482 ) Copy/waypoint -1911, -25, 482, who will ask you to find 5 tablets.
Go back to Chelsith and search for 5 clickable tablets. If you are careful, all of these tablets can be obtained while invisible, and because they respawn, this stage can be done solo. You can also exit and zone into a new new Chelsith instance after 30 minutes. Tablets are located here:
Near the entrance ( 15, 4, 390 ) Copy/waypoint 15, 4, 390
In a pool ( 162, 1, 250 ) Copy/waypoint 162, 1, 250
At the The Shrine of the Deep One ( 434, 44, 130 ) Copy/waypoint 434, 44, 130This tablet can be obtained while invisible by climbing up the back of the shrine using the pillar at ( 457, 46, 114 ) Copy/waypoint 457, 46, 114 by jumping from the top of the shorter pillar to the right you can get just over the wall to the top tier and carefully inch forward between the 2 see-invis mobs until you are able to see enough of the tablet to click it.
On the ramp near the The Shrine of the Deep One ( 346, 16, 148 ) Copy/waypoint 346, 16, 148 Be careful of a ghastly excretion floating over head as they will see through invisibility if you are attempting to get this tablet while invisible.
In the water below the ramp to the The Shrine of the Deep One ( 358, -22, 131 ) Copy/waypoint 358, -22, 131
Kill Burynai in the The Rubble Rabble Burrow (Kunzar Jungle) immediately west of the druid ring until you get the Mace Pommel to drop in a small chest. Alternatively, you can also buy this off the broker now. The mobs CAN be grey con.
Kill 75 Reet Slaves in Sebilis - either near the sporconids on the lower level, the labs on the upper level, or in the kitchen (look for orange dots on your map when you get close. Best in Slave Caves).
Kill Commander Jorah in Karnor's Castle to acquire the Crown of the Flail. He's located ( -172, -41, 56 ) Copy/waypoint -172, -41, 56 in the room upstairs containing the Drolvarg L&L book. You can also buy this item from broker.
Kill 8 Sarnaks in Timorous Deep. (Level 70 guards in Gorowyn will work, solo/non-social/no faction hits)
Kill 8 Sarnaks in Chardok. The Solo ones at the entrance give updates.
The zone in to the Instance where the final mob (80^) is in front of where the Shard of Hate( -1307, 48, -1509 ) Copy/waypoint -1307, 48, -1509 spawns "Xass's Hideout"(Like iron drill). There is an anvil on the ground near that location, click it to zone into instance. (Only Inquisitors on the same step may enter the instance.)
If your goal is to have the Item for the Epic Conversion Timeline, you do NOT need to do the RAID version. You can begin that timeline now.