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This timeline is part of the Freeport Outlying Areas Timeline.
All quests listed here can be started and completed as of December 2017.
"Don't let this zone ruin your self-esteem" - Malach of the Qeynos Guard
Main Quests[]
Starts at: Captain Arellius ( -167, -1, 80 )
- [10] Reporting for Duty (leads to Lieutenant Argosian ( -100, 0, 80 ) )
- [10] Pawns in the Game
- [14] Pounding the Enemy
- [14] Prophet and Loss
- [14] Requesting Further Orders (leads to Captain Arellius ( -167, -1, 80 ) )
- [15] Stepping Up the Offensive (leads to Lieutenant Imperidus ( -24, -4, 106 ) )
- [15] Knock the Fight Out of 'Em
- [15] Vengeance for Shoreside
- [15] Identifying the Lonetusk Ally
- [15] File a Final Report (leads to Captain Arellius ( -167, -1, 80 ) )
- [10] A Journey Outside the City
- Leads to The Commonlands and The Commonlands Timeline.
Side Quests[]
- [15] Outlying Freeport Creature Cataloging
- [12] Anger-Fang (offered by: Mardyp Prunt ( 115, -2, 68 ) )
- If I Had A Hammer (Freeport) (offered by Fangtarn ( -106, -2, 87 ) )