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The Quarry Behemoth (District of Ash Solo)

The Quarry Behemoth (District of Ash Solo)

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Maldura: District of Ash (Advanced Solo) (Terrors of Thalumbra)
Race Elemental
Level 101▲ Tier 11 Solo
Location The Deep Quarry
Reported Drops
AA Exp unknown
Status Points none

What does this information mean?


  • Kill the mobs in the area to spawn the named.
  • Position yourself behind the crusher that opens.
  • Target the summoner and kill him first. The named will run towards you and the crusher will descend, "trapping" him and knocking off some HP.
  • DEBUFF the named first, after the summoner is dead.
  • Burn. He has stoneskin, but it wears away after debuffing and smacking around a bit.