EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki
The QSS Bootstrutter

Main sail of the QSS Boostrutter

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Shattered Lands
Level Range 35-45
Access Quest In Search of the Feerrott (Good)
Zone in from Globe of Swift Travel in Zek, the Orcish Wastes OR The Thundering Steppes
Parent Zone None
Difficulty Solo-Group
Persistence 90 minutes - 3 days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

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The QSS Bootstrutter

Location of The QSS Bootstrutter on the Mariner's Bell map.

The route to The Feerrott has finally been discovered. You must board the QSS Bootstrutter and assist Boulden Smitestone in defending the ship on it's perilous journey.


Speak to Boulden Smitestone and pick up the quest, Protect the Priest's Ship!. Make sure to continue through all the quest dialogue, not just accepting the quest as soon as it pops up, in order to start the event. Slay the skeletal orcs as they spawn and eventually a Rallosian Captain will spawn. Kill him and continue slaying the skeletal orcs until no more spawn. This means that Boulden has finished his warding spell and it safe to leave the instance. Speak to him to do so.

