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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature  (AA)
Introduced LU42
Journal Level 85 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Darklight Wood more
How to Start Offered by Thelia N'Fyre after completing Investigate the Death.
part of: Fury Epic Weapon Timeline
Preceded by:
Investigate the Death
Followed by:
The Vanity of the Cockatrice

What does this information mean?


  1. Find the Chokidai pack at ( 1767, 155, -2564 ) Copy in Kylong Plains between the Jarsath Wastes post and the road to Chardok.
  2. When you get the update that you have found the pack, use the Chokidai Mask in your inventory and speak to the Knowing chokidai.
  3. He will send you out to kill 10 Wurms and 10 Broken Toe Goblins which you can find scattered near the area.
  4. Go back and speak with the Knowing chokidai.
  5. You then call to the members of the pack and have them follow you to kill the Di'Zok Poachers. Right-click on the chokidai pack members (all 3 of them) and they will follow you.
  6. Find the poachers just down the road towards Chardok at ( 1604, 132, -2561 ) Copy.
  7. Go back and speak with the Knowing chokidai. He will then ask you if you are ready to confront your nature.
    • Might want a couple of friends for this one. When you are ready, go near the Pack Mentality. It will then attack you (LVL 83^^ Heroic).
  8. Harvest the rock at spawn point of the Pack Mentality1755, 158, -2573 ) Copy


This quest is part of the Fury Epic Weapon Timeline, and can only be started/completed by a member of that class of at least Level 80.
