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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Betrayal
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 1 (Tier 1)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Commonlands more
How to Start The quest starts by speaking with Gil McMartin
part of: Freeport Sabotage Quest Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


Be advised that of all quests in this quest line, the path to the target instance brings you into proximity of more guards than any other.

West Freeport is the home base of the Freeport Militia. Additionally, West Freeport has several zone connections, with guards stationed at every zone. Moreover, the path from The Thieves' Way to the The Coalition Factory is the roam path of 3 different guard/guard-pairs.

Do not choose this quest lightly, especially if the guards' level is not gray to you.

For more information regarding your character's safety on this quest, refer to the the talk page.


  1. Head to The Graveyard entrance from the The Commonlands-1390, -86, -331 ) Copy. From there take the newly excavated entrance to Longshadow Alley-125, -17, 73 ) Copy. Immediately enter the The Thieves' Way. Once in the Thieves' Way head East to the room with the menders union Local 858. Take the door on the southeast. This room gives access to the four main freeport zones.
    • NOTE: When I zoned into The Graveyard, the entrance to Longshadow Alley was closed to me. I had to zone back to the Commonlands and enter The Thieves' Way at ( -1252, -84, 120 ). In The Thieves' Way I went to the West Freeport Grate ( -101, 0, 61 ).
  2. Go to West Freeport, The Coalition Crafter's Association is to the south east, and zone into a special tradeskill instance, called The Coalition Factory, behind the The Coalition of Tradesfolke. ( 24, -19, 107 ) Copy (There are two instances behind The Coalition of Tradesfolke, the southern trapdoor is the correct one.)
  3. Manipulate the clipboards on the wall for updates.
  4. Return to Gil McMartin.


The 'recipies' are the little boards next to each tradeskill station. The ones you use when doing tradeskill writs.


If you stealth or invis while in the tradeskill zone all mobs are non-agro except for a few monsters on the bottom level. To avoid having to fight, click all the recipes at each workstation on the first few floors without going to the bottom...then zone out and zone back in. The zone will have reset and you can finish off the quest by re-clicking the top floor recipes. This prevents having to clear the lower level of mobs. Easy and quick.

Alternate Suggestion

You can still get the updates in the basement without the mobs seeing you - remember they can't see your feet if the low wall is blocking them. Just stand right on the other side of the wall and click "over" the wall to get those last few updates.


With SOE's latest updates, quest items that you must click for an update are now an action. Clicking the pads for your quest will knock you out of invis/stealth. You will have to clear the zone.

Or you get 1 high lvl that is mentoring you u stay at the beging of the zone wile the hig lvl is getting recepies thats the easyest way.
