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EverQuest 2 Wiki
The Nexus Core

The Nexus Core (Heroic)

The Nexus Core Map

The Nexus Core Map

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LootDB · EQ2Map · EQ2LL · ZAM
EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Tears of Veeshan
Level Range 96-101
Zone in from Vesspyr Isles
Parent Zone None
Difficulty Group
Failure Lockout failure lockout needed!
Success Lockout success lockout needed!
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


  • Zone in is from Falinpol. ( 297, 160, -195 ) Copy
  • It's recommended that you have 465 crit chance for this zone.


Amalgam of Energy:

Same as solo, roots himself at 75, 50 and 25%, does huge AE and summons energy globes (red phrase), that have to be killed before they reach the named, or he'll heal himself (if so, the next time he reaches the % when you failed, no globes will be cast).

Also have one and only spell (cast several times during the fight), must be interrupted or all members must go back from him. If not, big damage again.

Energy Delivery Module and Force Absorption Module :

Take down Energy Delivery Module first. During the fight, he root himself and fire a laser that must be avoid (red phrase).

When he is down, switch to Force Absoption Module. Every 12-15 sec, he cast a spell (Hammerhand) that must be interrupted.

Maligned Gyro

When he summons his blades, we get away from him to let the add spead around the room. Then we go to the door. The blade may reach the tanking spot but we manage to deal with the incoming damage (stoneskins, etc).

Luminox Prime

Same as solo : Fire missiles and laserbeam.


Soe logo white EQ2i credits posts in this thread written by Ynnek at the SOE/DBG Forums for some of the information in this article.
