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What does this information mean?
- All bosses in the zone you need to hail in order to fight, giving the boss plat will activate challenge mode. If you do not give the boss plat then the boss will be in normal mode.
- Killing challenge mode versions counts towards both dailies and both weeklies.
- Kill a shady supplier in the first room ( -133, 1, -63 )
- Click the corpse to check its pockets and read the note to obtain a password, which you need to remember.
- Hail The Gateman behind the locked gate at ( -115, 0, -66 )
- Select the top option and enter the password.
- Captain Twoshanks [Needs X, Z, Y coordinates]
- Do not let the bilge haunt adds get to 20 total or you wipe. Dispel each add to make them die faster.
- A game of tic-tac-toe forms on the floor with 2 open spaces. This happens every 20%, starting at 80%.
- The boss plays X and the group plays O.
- The individual doing the dispel stands in the open square that would complete the X's and then dispels the named.
- The board will disappear and you continue killing until the tic-tac-toe board spawns again. Occasionally the board will not disappear. As long as the person dispelling the named does not die, you can keep going.
- Buff: Fly-by-Night III: 110 Flurry Avoid, 325 Ability Doublecast Avoid, 7455 resolve
- Everyone can see the outline of the tic-tac-toe board, but only one person can actually see the X's and O's. The person that can see the empty spot that would complete the X line must guide the mage there, as the dispel must occur from that spot.
- The boss traps players in frozen bilges. These must be killed to free the trapped player, especially if they are the one doing the dispelling.
- The boss will curse the entire group with an "Overboard!" curse. The race of the character that must be cured will be part of the name of the curse.
- Click on the fake wall ( -166, 0, -61 ) to progress
- Grimalda Goodhand [Needs X, Z, Y coordinates]
- Grimalda roams around her room.
- Every 20%, starting at 80%, she emotes that she "prepares to dump her useless wares". She puts a basket item in players bags that must be right clicked and destroyed.
- If you have the incurable trauma at this point, you have an item in your bag.
- The number of players with items to destroy increases as the fight goes on.
- At 20 it is possible everyone gets an item to destroy
- You can also tell if you have the "Vendor trash" basket item in your bags if you cannot see the boss.
- Kill adds to reduce her the buff count.
- If she is interrupted from casting Wallop, a counter will go up - if it reaches 10, it's a wipe.
- Allow her to cast Wallop (no stuns, interrupts, knockdowns, or silences while she's casting) to reduce the counter. After she casts Wallop successfully, dispel her "Wallop Swap" buff before it randomizes her hate list.
- Everyone gets the basket each time, occurs every 10% starting at 50%.
- Everyone will get a curse - the named will change its weapons appearance to match the weapon of the person to cure. There is a trigger that can be made alerting you to check the weapon, shrinking your toons helps make your weapon more visible. You can also put on the same appearance weapon, then it doesn't matter who gets cured of the curse.
- If a stifle is used on the boss, she'll apply "Stifle Me Stifle You" to the player who did this, which does a large amount of damage.
- Starting at 25%, two adds spawn at a time instead of one.
- Gelda Glintswift [Needs X, Z, Y coordinates]
- Gelda will cast a buff that spawns bubbles. Double-click the bubbles to "kill" them and then dispel her to remove her stoneskin.
- She applies two curses. If you only have one healer then the two people must be stacked within 5 meters of each other in order to reset curse cure for both with a single cast.
- Dispel the a lycan thug to turn them into a Glintswift thug that can be easily killed.
- Everyone will be cursed - the person to cure will see a purple message in chat (non-player tell) that they are the person to be cured. Everyone must be stacked before the cure or they will not receive the cure and will die. This takes priority over the bubbles.
- When the bubbles spawn the name will get a counter indicating the number of bubbles to pop. One and only one person goes out and clicks the bubbles till the counter in their detriment window matches the count on the mob. Then that person must dispel the named.
- Adds that pop must be dispelled quickly or they start one-shotting people due to the buff building while they are in werewolf form - bring lots of inverters.
- Go up the stairs and destroy the cracked wall at [Needs X, Z, Y coordinates] to move forward.
- Dispelling the wall helps destroy it faster.
- Kill Elder Furdock [Needs X, Z, Y coordinates]
- Elemental detriments are related to a counter on the mob and one in your detriment window. The mob's counter must be lower than the counter in your det window or you wipe. The higher your counter the more damage you do. However, you should clear them every 30-45 seconds (7 or 8 count). Dispel the mob to reduce his counter while getting to 7 or 8 counts on yourself. Group cure resets both your counter and his.
- Trauma detriments are a stun and must be cured quickly.
- Dispel and kill adds when they appear.
- The boss hits the entire group with a curable elemental that increments on a regular basis. The number on this detriment must be higher than the number on the buff on the boss that also increments.
- Whenever a healer does a group cure to remove the elemental detriment, someone should dispel the boss to remove their buff a moment later.
- Starting at 90% then every 20% after that down to 10% (90%, 70%, 50%, 30% and 10%, the named puts a scroll on the table where he originally started. You can make a trigger to alert you it has spawned. It is also recommended to cure the elemental once the scroll spawns.
- When you examine the scroll, it contains a 5 digit number such as "25431".
- The position of each digit represents a row of pillars. The first pillar row is closest to the room where the boss spawns and the fifth row is the pillars half buried in the wall, furthest away from where the boss spawns.
Furdock challenge mode pillars with plates
- Each pillar will have a square plate appear on it with 1-6 red pips at the start of the fight - this indicates what number each pillar represents. The number of pips in the square increases as you go from left-to-right, if you are facing towards the pillars.
- If the number were 25431 it would be row 1 pillar 2, row 2 pillar 5, row 3 pillar 4, row 4 pillar 3 and row 5 pillar 1.
- Each player can only click one number, so each player should be assigned one row to click. Once each number is successfully clicked a box spawns on the floor that must then be double clicked to destroy it in order for the name to take damage.
- The order in which the correct numbers are clicked doesn't matter - in the 25431 example, the player responsible for row four (being the number '3' in this example) could be the first person to click if they are there first.
- If you stun the mob you will shrink and have to joust out 5 meters to clear. You will not be able to target the mob at this time.
- The boss hits the entire group with a curable elemental that increments on a regular basis. The number on this detriment must be higher than the number on the buff on the boss that also increments.
- Kill Liegess Lavalle ( -292, -4, 49 )
- Adds come through portals that spawn randomly on 2 of the 3 walls. The portals look like symbols (e.g. pentagon). At each wall there are switches with symbols over it. Stand very close and use the switch matching the portal's symbol on that wall which closes the add-spawning portal. With sufficient DPS you can just ignore the adds that spawn and kill the mob.
- Throwing the wrong switch will kill that person.
- There is also a joust in and out. They will say Let the blood in (move in to 2m or less) or Let the blood out (move out to 6 or more)
- Now switches on all 3 walls need to be clicked.
- Don't root the named.
- Only scouts can see which of the 6 switches on each wall to click. They must state which and someone else must click the switch.
- Periodically, above each of the arches, there will be columns of colored symbols.
- Everyone can see the symbols, but only one person can see the colored arches, which will be red-yellow-blue from left-to-right. That person will not be able to target the name, and will get teleported to be facing the arches.
Symbols above the arches in the Challenge Liegess Fight
- Starting from the bottom, match a pair of colors on the same horizontal level and have someone run through the corresponding arches. The allowed time to complete this starts at 8 seconds for one pair.
- In the above screenshot, the order would be yellow-blue, red-blue, red-blue, red-yellow, yellow-blue.
- Every 15% or so after this first pair, a new combination will appear with more color pairs. You have more time to complete the arches as more are added, but it is still pretty limited time. Failure to do this mechanic before the timer elapses will wipe the group.
- The joust in and out is now zero and more than 8m.
- Adds spawn called "root of evil" and put an uncurable arcane on one player. They should be burned down.
- The bat adds will cast a curse called "Rabies" on players, which should be cured quickly as it hits quite hard. Cure curse should automatically reset after casting.
- Adds come through portals that spawn randomly on 2 of the 3 walls. The portals look like symbols (e.g. pentagon). At each wall there are switches with symbols over it. Stand very close and use the switch matching the portal's symbol on that wall which closes the add-spawning portal. With sufficient DPS you can just ignore the adds that spawn and kill the mob.
- Beefcake
- Clear the side areas around Beefcake
- Use Heroic Opportunities to clear Beefcake's entire stack. Dispels will also work to remove 1 from the stack. At 20 stacks you wipe.
- During the fight when you see one of two emotes, "Beefcake feels a bit crowded up here" everyone must leave the upper area or you will wipe. For "Beefcake feels lonely" everyone must be on the same level as the name.
- During the fight, a group member gets an incurable curse. The fighter must intercept that player in order for the curse to be cured. If successfully intercepted the tank gets a curable curse. The player must be within 8 meters of the tank to be intercepted.
- During the fight Beefcake will announce a player to become his toy. Cast a Heroic opportunity and heal Beefcake's target. This may be related to letting the stacks increase.
- Group up on platform where he is and have your compass showing.
- The increments on the boss ramp faster in challenge mode, and wipe the group at 20. Do constant HO's and mage dispels to keep increments down. HOs remove 5 buffs, dispels should remove 2.
- Tank intercepts person with curable curse and then gets cured curse like normal. If a non-tank is cured of this, it will kill that player.
- den 2 act triggers work but when you hear "move to him" 3 people move off platform, "move move move" whole group moves out with tank being closest to mob Beefcake will then port the closest group member to him with only 1 hp. This person must be able to stoneskin or heal through it.
- Every 10% Beefcake picks a nontank to be a chew toy and will force target them. Beefcake gains a reactive heal to any damage received until faced a certain direction named by his first buff which appears to be a wolf with laser eyes. Turn him to face that direction until the chewtoy expires and dps down to next 10%.
- Starting at 50% a crone will spawn at the north/flat side. Have a scout track "crone's familiar" which looks like a cat. This can spawn anywhere in the room including on top of some cages. Underneath the familiar's nameplate it will tell you if it's a scout or mage familiar, which you can also know ahead of time by looking for the text "You hear a meow, and are drawn to it." which only the proper archetype will see. Corresponding archetype will click the familiar and go back to crone and click crone. DO NOT DPS until this is done, will repeat every 10% until dead. If 2 familiars are up its a wipe.
- If you stun or daze the mob, you'll get a detriment that shows curable called "Heads of Stats" that slows you and the boss will switch targets. If someone tries to cure this detriment, it will reapply with a fresh timer and the boss will switch targets yet again.
- Arachlord Dyrraga ( -236, -4, 90 )
- Every ~25%, Dyrraga will cast "Hide from Him" and disappear, then Mayong's image will appear and portals will spawn adds.
- Each round spawns adds for a longer period of time. The goal is to "survive". The rounds are 30, 45 and 60 seconds. If you survive, the adds despawn, and Dyrraga returns. You can mez/stun adds to reduce the counter or of course you can just kill them all.
- Curses appear on everyone and slowly drop off - when only one person has a curse you cure them. Alternatively, one person will get a curse of 30 or more seconds. If they check their curse they can call out and be cured immediately.
- Dyrraga will announce to one person only that "Dyrraga's had enough of you making him bleed, and spins some silk..." You must kill the silk quickly as failing to do so is a wipe. The spell he casts is called "Tangled Web". The person that has a web on them will be slowed, this is noticeable. Also when the silk is up the mob takes no damage. They do not always appear on the threat list so you may have to look for them. The fight is not particularly heal intensive except during the "survival" phase.
- The portal to zone out spawns in room after Dyrraga dies.
- "Mechanic rounds" are based on archetype, and go from 95%, 70%, 45%, and 20% until either the boss disappears (at 75%/50%/25%) or is dead. Which round you are in is emoted in chat. The order they occur in is random.
- Priest round:
- Starts with the text "The Magistrate wants to see how you treat Counterfeit Medicine!"
- Detriment lands that MUST be group cured. If any single target cures are used (or Tranquility, Crusader's Judgement, etc.), most of the group will die.
- This will be reapplied every 50 seconds or so along with text that says "You are once again infected by Counterfeit Medicine!"
- Scout Round:
- Starts with the text "Dyrraga's signed contract begin to litter the floor, but stealthy scouts can veto them!"
- In the detriment window, there will be a detriment with stacks on it called "Behind the Schemes". The number of stacks on this detriment are the number of scrolls currently spawned. If this number reaches 10, the group wipes.
- The scrolls that spawn on the ground that can only be seen by a scout in stealth. (Note that stealth seemed to break pretty easily, which made staying in stealth annoying here.)
- When the scout clicks the scroll, it will disappear and the number of increments on the detriment will go down.
- Mage round:
- Starts with the text "Dyrraga wants many of you to travel the Silk Road, with your fellow mage as the guide!"
- Every 90s or so, flags will spawn in each corner of the room. All 4 corners spawn at once.
- Mages will need to call out whose name is on each flag, and that player needs to click the specified flag. This will put an arcane detriment on the player who clicked, which must be mage cured. This detriment ticks and gets rid of half your power when flags are up. Failure to mage cure the arcane will kill that player.
- Fighter Round:
- Starts with the text "Drained merchant marines now ooze from Dyrraga's food sacs!"
- Adds that spawn from the cocoons will be "drained merchant marine" instead of "drained commodity", though they will spawn at a slower rate than normal.
- These marines will one shot anybody that isn't the tank, and they are immune to any damage unless the tank is their current target.
- The adds may drop hate at 60% and 20%.
- Priest round:
- When Dyrraga casts "Tangled Web" (the snare/silken thread that targets a single player) in Challenge, the person who is webbed will only be able to see a single thread. That is the one that must be burned down. All other players will see threads all over the room, and killing the incorrect one results in death of the webbed player.
- Dyrraga will shuffle which control effect not to use on them.
- These are emoted in chat as "Arachlord Dyrraga switches his Silken Lining to defend against ControlEffect." (where "ControlEffect" will be one of stun, stifle, fear, and daze).
- Using a spell that applies that effect will give the caster a nasty detriment that does tons of damage.
- At 75%/50%/25% Dyragga will "Hide Away", which will start the survival stage.
- Counts for challenge start at 45 seconds for first wave, second wave lasts 60 seconds, and the third wave lasts 75 seconds.
- Each add increases noxious damage done by 3%-Bring damage reduction and big heals.
A Gratified Merchant[]
After killing Arachlord Dyrraga, a gratified merchant appears, saying, That was very brave of you! I need to leave soon, but I can offer my services in the meantime. Buying his bag may reward some temporary adornments, a blue rune, and occassionally an ancient or celestial spell.
Once you are killing challenge mobs the merchant adds white adornments. The adornments are listed below.
- Each requires killing a specific boss in challenge mode in the current zone to add the item to the merchant, as well as 35k status, an amount of plat that ramps up, and the previous coin that you must trade in (make sure to remove the adornment from your gear to let you trade it in). In Order to buy the Dyrraga's Coins, you need to kill all bosses in challenge Mode in a single run,
- Example: In your current instance, if you killed bosses 1, 2, and 4 in challenge mode, you'll see adorns 1, 2, and 4 in the merchant window at the end. You will not see adorn 3 (Glintswift's Coin) even if you have killed Glintswift on challenge in a previous instance.
Coin | Boss Required | Status | Plat | Previous Coin (trade in) |
Twoshanks' Coin | First boss | 35k | 500k | N/A |
Grimalda's Coin | Second boss | 35k | 600k | Twoshanks' Coin |
Glintswift's Coin | Third boss | 35k | 700k | Grimalda's Coin |
Furdock's Coin | Fourth boss | 35k | 800k | Glintswift's Coin |
Lavalle's Coin | Fifth boss | 35k | 900k | Furdock's Coin |
Beefcake's Chewed Coin | Sixth boss | 35k | 1M | Lavalle's Coin |
Dyrraga's Copper Coin | Seventh boss | 35k | 2M | Beefcake's Chewed Coin |
Dyrraga's Silver Coin | Seventh boss | 35k | 4M | Dyrraga's Copper Coin |
Dyrraga's Gold Coin | Seventh boss | 35k | 6M | Dyrraga's Silver Coin |
Dyrraga's Platinum Coin | Seventh boss | 35k | 10M | Dyrraga's Gold Coin |
To get the entire set of 4 would require:
- 34 runs that lets you progress a coin
- ~1.2 million status
- 60 million plat
- 26.5 million plat to finish the platinum coin
- 16.5 million plat to finish the gold coin next
- 10.5 million plat to finish the silver coin next
- 6.5 million plat to finish the copper coin last and finish the set
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EQ2i credits posts in this thread written by Taled at the SOE/DBG Forums for some of the information in this article. |
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EQ2i credits posts in this thread written by Taled at the SOE/DBG Forums for some of the information in this article. |