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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Access  (AA)
Introduced Fallen Dynasty
Journal Level 74 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Epic
Starting Zone The Village of Shin more
How to Start Examine a book on a bookshelf behind Lu Sywaka on the third floor of the Tower of the Four Winds at ( 28, 50, -165 ) Copy.
part of: Fallen Dynasty Timeline
Preceded by:
Brother Pang's Trial: Combating Corruption,
Brother Lycabe's Trial: Knowledge of a Lost City
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Read through the book.
  2. Go to Gunthak Pirate Camp in The Mystic Lake and interact with the bird cage hanging from the tree. ( 71, -37, 329 ) Copy
  3. Find all 8 birdcages in the Mystic Lake and the Village of Shin within 20 minutes:
    • Mystic Lake
      • 145, -38, 76 ) Copy
      • 9, -2, -3 ) Copy
      • -285, 0, -106 ) Copy (rock surrounded by several pairs of undead mobs, 63^^ Heroic; clear or be sneaky; go to EAST side of tree and look due WEST; walk forward onto root, giving you some elevation; face due NORTH; jump onto rock)
      • -106, 9, 315 ) Copy (on ground)
    • Village of Shin
      • -251, 4, -71 ) Copy
      • -184, 7, -174 ) Copy
      • 38, 33, -156 ) Copy
      • 81, 13, -60 ) Copy (jump up on wall in front of the house, or the roof)
  4. Return and examine the first birdcage in Mystic Lake (the one from Step 2) and release the bird spirit.
  5. Follow the bird spirit to the entrance of Xux'laio's Roost at ( 149, -34, 38 ) Copy.
  6. Enter the raid instance and defeat Xux'laio Master of the Fluttering Wing.

