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For other articles with related titles, see The Lore of Fauna: The Behemoth.
The Lore of Fauna The Behemoth

Journal entry

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Collection Quest Information
Collection Name The Lore of Fauna: The Behemoth
Category: Tome
Level 15 (Tier 2)
Zones (Patch) The Eternal Gorge more, The Commonlands more, Valley of the Rogue Magi more (Shattered Lands)
Reward types: House Items

This quest is part of the Collection Quests Timeline

Fluttering page

A collection page fluttering in the wind

Starting the Collection

Most Collection Quests begin by examining any of the members of that collection, which are harvested from special, random ground spawning nodes using the Collecting harvesting skill. Members of this collection can be found as follows:

  • Harvestable Pages: A fluttering piece of paper named ?.

Collection Members

Pages 2 through 10 are found from random harvestable pages in The Eternal Gorge or in the Valley of the Rogue Magi. You can get all of the pages in the same trip. (They spawn inside the crypts and just outside the crypts).

Pages 11 through 14 are found from fixed harvestable pages in the Tower of Zarvonn in the Commonlands:

See this note about tome collections and page source data.


Special Notes

  • This collection quest is a Forum Lore Quest so obtaining it is non-traditional.
  • The pages will be invisible and the book unclickable until you trigger the quest by doing the following:
    1. Obtain 1 cauldron blowfish (Tier 5) and 1 thicket crayfish (Tier 3). You may buy them from a broker, receive them in trade, or harvest your own.
    2. Enter The Eternal Gorge via the rock teleporter at the top of the inside of the Tower of Zarvonn in the Commonlands. ( 896, -45, -518 ) Copy
    3. Find the non-aggro skelton named Jeroel the famished who wanders in a roughly circular pattern, counter-clockwise around the zone.
    4. Hail him and choose the response "I seek the pages of the book of Behemoths." He will respond with the statement "Seek the binder within the tower." Jeroel will take the blowfish and crayfish from you.
    5. The book in the tower (in The Commonlands) will now be clickable. Once the book is obtained and added to the collection the pages in the tower and Gorge will become visible.
  • Pages in The Eternal Gorge or the Valley of the Rogue Magi have multiple random spawn points that are not always up.
  • Harvesting a page triggers a 90 minute instance reuse timer. The pages do not respawn.
  • Warning: Jeroel the famished acts as a collector NPC. If you turn in the completed tome "The Lore of Fauna: The Behemoth" he will also finish all of your other ready collections.
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