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EverQuest 2 Wiki
The Hemogoblin

The Hemogoblin

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LootDB · EQ2LL · ZAM
EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Estate of Unrest (LU32)
Race Golem
Level 74▲▲▲ Tier 8 Heroic , (Approx. HP: 140,000)
Location The Pool of Blood
Reported Drops
Melee Attacks Crushing
Spell Attacks Heat
Special Attacks

spawns coagulations so long as he is near The Pool of Blood

AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

What does this information mean?

140k hp goblin, is mainly heat and crushing with most attacks in the low 1k ranges. Spawns adds that have 25-35k hit points (usually 4-5 of these) that are also heat/crushing. They will attack the first target the name aggros.

If you don't pull the name out of the room with the blood, then even more adds with spawn in the 45k hp area and keep spawning as long as the name is near the blood (also heat/crushing).
