EverQuest 2 Wiki
The Atrium of Kildrukaun

The Halls of Fate

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Kingdom of Sky
Level Range 67-73
Zone in from The Bonemire
Entrance is at

Central Island ( -3, -384, 25 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Group
Persistence 90 minutes - 3 days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


Droags of the Doomwing Legion are amassing here as they prepare their looming assault onto the surface world of Norrath. With help from Quellithulian Enclave, the droag have learned to exploit wurndrom, the purple dragon essence that is seen all over The Bonemire, and use it to create a new breed of droag: the Skarize.


  • In order to open the locked door at ( 119, 1, -125 ) Copy, you will need the Doomwing Key, which can be found at ( 137, 10, -133 ) Copy.


The majority of quests that involve the Halls of Fate are part of the Claymore Timeline. The only two quests unique to Halls of Fate are: Transmogrification and Premonitions of Doom.

