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EverQuest 2 Wiki
The Guardian of Silence

The Guardian of Silence

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Shimmering Citadel (Desert of Flames)
Race Djinn
Level 55▲▲▲ Tier 6 Heroic
Location Spawns around these two locations: ( 73, 147, -118 ) Copy
-136, 145, -179 ) Copy
Reported Drops
Linked with An Uruvan djinn x2
Respawn Timer ~45 minutes
Related Quests

Shimmering Citadel Creature Cataloging

AA Exp Yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?


  • If he is not up as you pass the area, kill all the djinn in this section and come back in 45 minutes or so.
  • Casts a stunning elemental dot and a mental dot.