\aITEM 53713421 -1031366557:The Greenmist Orb\/a \aITEM 53713421 -1031366557:The Greenmist Orb\/a What does this information mean?
This item is used against The Leviathan in The Chamber of Destiny. When the Leviathan reaches about 20% health, the player with the Greenmist Orb should move to the Greenmist Oubliette at ( 2, -24, -108 ) Copy/waypoint 2.00, -24.00, -108.00.
When the Leviathan is at 10% health, a message will be broadcast and the Greenmist Orb must be used to deactivate the Greenmist Oubliette. This will allow the Leviathan to be killed, otherwise it will heal and cast a high-damage AoE on the raid which will kill everyone.
EQ2i credits this article at Census for the info in this article. the last update on Census for this item was: Wed, 05 Jul 2023 15:11:37 +0000