In a dark, stench-filled alley in the bowels of the city, a shady deal is going down. Ratscallion Attamilgad, the Unscrupulous is making a trade to obtain some stolen cloaks in the name of their boss, known as Shady Swashbuckler XVIII. Shady gave explicit instructions to Ratscallion along with a loaded leather pouch of coins and sent them on their way.
However, on the way to the deal, Ratscallion got stuck moving stealthily through some thick brush and unknowingly tore a hole in the coin pouch. By the time they got to the spot of the deal, they had no coin left in their pouch. The thief with the cloaks was nervous and anxious to rid themselves of the stolen cloaks, so they agreed to a trade for Ratscallion’s filigreed compass which had been passed down for generations.
On the way back to their boss, Ratscallion has gotten horribly lost due to no longer having their compass (and quite frankly not being very bright otherwise) and are unable to find their way home. Now starving, broke, lost, and weighed down with stolen cloaks, which are now making them a bit angsty, they want to unload the haul to anyone who is willing to take them.
Find Ratscallion, the Unscrupulous when intel is posted by us on a social channel as they amble about Norrath to get a cloak from them, but be quick, they will go into hiding in 48 hours. Keep an eye on our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts to ensure you do not miss the announcement of his reemergence for the next cloak!
Watch Daybreak's social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram) for clues as to where to find Ratscallion, the Unscrupulous.
Cloak #1: Announced on Facebook on June 14, 2023. Can obtain until Noon PST on June 16, 2023.
NOTE: Level mid 50's mobs in the surrounding area.
Cloak #3: Announced on Instagram on June 30, 2023. Can obtain until 5:00pm PST on July 2, 2023. Speak to Ratscallion at ( -320, 297, 700 ) Copy/waypoint -320, 297, 700 in Barren Sky to receive Cloak of the Lithesome.
Take the Cloud Travel to Isle of Awakening, then Take secondary Cloud Travel to Isle of Eaglewatch.
NOTE: Level upper 60's mobs in the surrounding area.
Cloak # 4: Announced on Instagram on July 14, 2023. Can obtain until 10:00am PDT on July 16, 2023. Speak to Ratscallion at ( -457, -55, -153 ) Copy/waypoint -457, -55, -153 in Lesser Fay to receive the Cloak of the Eccentric.
Take in zone horse travel to Lower Grove, multiple level 50+ mobs in area.
You will pass the NPC while on the horse, jump off as needed.
NPC is standing next to boulder, hidden from view.
Cloak # 5: Announced on Facebook on July 19, 2023. Can obtain until 08:00 PDT on July 21, 2023. In Jarsath Wastes speak to Ratscallion in the cave at ( -783, 256, 1277 ) Copy/waypoint -783, 256, 1277 to receive the Cloak of the Fervorous. Two entrances are available:-
Travel overland to the cave entrance at ( -858, 275, 1183 ) Copy/waypoint -857.56, 274.59, 1182.64 then walk down to Ratscallion.
Use the underwater entrance at ( -716, -77, 1416 ) Copy/waypoint -715.82, -77.21, 1416.13 to the cave system that includes Chelsith but don't enter those dungeons. Near the entrance to Chelsith exit the water and start flying. Above Krag the Cliff Golem (talking rocks in the water) there is a chimney that exits above into the cave holding Ratscallion.
The place announced on Facebook states Stonebrunt Highlands but it has been confirmed to be incorrect and the actual location is in fact in Jarsath Wastes.
Cloak # 6: Announced on Twitter on July 27, 2023. Can obtain until 08:00 PDT on July 29, 2023. Speak to Ratscallion at ( 497, 329, 535 ) Copy/waypoint 497, 329, 535 in Stonebrunt Highlands (on the island with the Pandas) to receive the Cloak of the Vivacious.
Cloak # 7: Announced on Instagram on August 2, 2023. Can obtain until 6:00 PDT on August 4, 2023. Speak to Ratscallion at ( 3550, -1000, 1500 ) Copy/waypoint 3550, -1000, 1500 in Cobalt Scar NE of Salt Breeze to receive the last Cloak of the Imperceptible
Once you earn the cloak on one character, you can purchase it with your alts from Ratscallion Attamilgad in Qeynos Harbor or in Freeport. As per Angeliana (dev) on forums, this merchant will be permanent. So you can buy all the cloaks once you have the initial free one from the wandering npc.