There's no Marqusal. Instead, speak with Roger Greenleaf at ( -309, -49, 1458 ) Copy/waypoint -309, -49, 1458.
Note:To travel to the Shipyard, head to the Crusader's Cave, which connects to Jarsath at ( 826, 262, 1244 ) Copy/waypoint 826, 262, 1244. Then take a Sokokar to the Shipyard in Jarsath.
Note:Use Anchor of Wanderer's Dock, "Call to Home" or "Call to Guild Hall" and use the globus "Voyage Through Norrath" to travel to the Jarsath Shipyard
Return to Taelonar (( -527, -85, -649 ) Copy/waypoint -527, -85, -649 (wanders the area)) in Obulus Frontier - Completing this quest gives +11,000 faction with Nye'Caelona.
This quest is an access quest that grants you enough faction to not be KOS in Nye'Caelona and the Gardens of Nye'Caelona. The guards *should* stop porting you away from their town after completion.