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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Obulus Frontier more
How to Start speak to Taelonar-527, -85, -649 ) Copy (wanders the area)
part of: Kunark Ascending Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Seeds of Growf
Followed by:
Stranger Friends
Dying of Bore-dom

What does this information mean?


  • You do not need Cae'Dal Language collection quest completed to hail Taelonar.
  • You should have at-least started (acquired), Seeds of Growf from Twark.


  1. Find Marqusal at Danak Shipyards dock in Jarsath Wastes and deliver a message.
    • There's no Marqusal. Instead, speak with Roger Greenleaf at ( -309, -49, 1458 ) Copy.
    • Note:To travel to the Shipyard, head to the Crusader's Cave, which connects to Jarsath at ( 826, 262, 1244 ) Copy. Then take a Sokokar to the Shipyard in Jarsath.
    • Note:Use Anchor of Wanderer's Dock, "Call to Home" or "Call to Guild Hall" and use the globus "Voyage Through Norrath" to travel to the Jarsath Shipyard
  2. Return to Taelonar (( -527, -85, -649 ) Copy (wanders the area)) in Obulus Frontier - Completing this quest gives +11,000 faction with Nye'Caelona.
  3. Speak to Elder Lyraquel-203, 92, -209 ) Copy.


  • This quest is an access quest that grants you enough faction to not be KOS in Nye'Caelona and the Gardens of Nye'Caelona. The guards *should* stop porting you away from their town after completion.
  • At least 1p 53g 9s