What does this information mean?
- Go to Greater Faydark and use the Lense Manufactory to place Minute Reflection Amplifiers into your inventory.
With the Minute Reflection Amplifiers equipped in your helm spot, collect 20 minuscule spider webs.
- They are trackable using Track Harvestables.
- They spawn throughout the zone, however some areas high concentration are:
- Clan Crushbone ( -825, 80, -143 ) Copy/waypoint -825, 80, -143
- Valley of the Great Swarm ( -280, 22, -110 ) Copy/waypoint -280, 22, -110
- The area around Sapphire Pond.
- ( -451, 19, 109 ) Copy/waypoint -451, 19, 109
- Return to Juna Crankfizz and have her craft the legendary clock of the Fireknight!