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The Forgotten Statue (solo)

The Forgotten Statue (Adv. Solo)

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Sleeper's Tomb: The Forgotten Catacombs (Advanced Solo) (Chains of Eternity)
Race Construct
Level 102▲ Tier 11 Solo
Location final room at central hallway
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
AA Exp unknown
Status Points unknown

What does this information mean?


  • hit him until he begins to glow in either red or blue.
  • he also gets a red and/or blue buff visible in the target window
  • click the pillars to create the opposite color at the center stage, then fight him up there until "The statue's cerulean aura dissipates" and you have to change the color again.
  • You can click a pillar from the edge of the top area
  • No need to click all four pillars - one pillar controls all (i.e. no circling around necessary)
  • If you see the message "...aura dissipates" drag him to the center to make the buff go away
  • Pillars are initially "off" then turn "red" and "blue". Turn them off when the buffs are gone.