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For for the questitems, see The Flute of a Thousand Colors (Item).
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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced LU42
Journal Level 85 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Examine the First Magic Lyric quest reward from The Everlasting Quill of Ashe Boderra.
part of: Dirge Epic Weapon Timeline
Preceded by:
The Everlasting Quill of Ashe Boderra
Followed by:
Sing a Song of Sorrow

What does this information mean?


  1. Equip The Flute of a Thousand Colors and use it from your charm slot on the southern beach ( 1723, 4, 648 ) Copy of the Isle of Mok in Timorous Deep to make the Windhowler Reed appear nearby.
  2. Harvest the Windhowler Reed to obtain a Silver Threaded Windhowler Reed.
  3. Use the flute from your charm slot to place the reed in the flute.
  4. Use the flute from your charm slot to receive the Second Magic Lyric.
  5. Use the flute from your charm slot just north of Ganak's Battlement-378, -58, -357 ) Copy in the Stonehoof Badlands area of Jarsath Wastes to spawn Zaz the Wailer 80 Heroic ^^ just north of you. Kill him to receive the bone reed. (Single Ornate Chest Drop, Also easily solo kited)
  6. Use the flute from your charm slot to place the reed in the flute.
  7. Use the flute from your charm slot to receive the Third Magic Lyric.
  8. Use the flute from your charm slot in the drachnid cave ( -2251, 232, 927 ) Copy between the Temple of the Red Lord and Temple of the White Lady in the Skyfire Mountains area of Jarsath Wastes to make the Resonating Crystals appear nearby.
  9. Harvest the Resonating Crystals to obtain a crystal flute plate.
  10. Use the flute from your charm slot to attach the plate.
  11. Use the flute from your charm slot to receive the Fourth Magic Lyric.
  12. Kill Armsmaster Keelo (or his placeholder a drolvarg trainer) ( 20, -56, 183 ) Copy just to the south of the Rhinos in Karnor's Castle to receive the deklium plating. (Uncommon Auto-Update) These mobs are 73^^^, so don't be a hero. Solo-able at lvl 86 kited. Pull him to first room. At 50% he will call his friends, run to bridge and friends will lose agro.
  13. Use the flute from your charm slot to attach the plate.
  14. Use the flute from your charm slot to discover that the restoration is complete.
  15. Speak to Freesia Ticklewing161, 108, 171 ) Copy in Kelethin.
  16. Speak to Smendrik2604, 86, 1296 ) Copy in the city of Gorowyn in Timorous Deep.

This quest is part of the Dirge Epic Weapon Timeline, and can only be started/completed by a member of that class of at least Level 80.
