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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Obulus Frontier more
How to Start Speak with Brytthel in Nye'Caelona at ( -210, 91, -209 ) Copy
part of: Kunark Ascending Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Stranger Friends
Choose the Slug Life
The Proof of the Pudding
Followed by:
Time Is Short
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  • This quest and the series leading up to it are colloquially referred to as "Tradeskill or Crafting Epic 2.0". It has several prerequisites including the first Epic (listed below) and this final quest takes much longer to complete than the average quest series.
  • You will need 500 gathering to gather the Arcanna'se precious metal.
    • Equipment and tools count towards the 500, so you can do it with 475 Gathering skill +25 from the pudding earring.
    • You can just keep clicking the node over and over for the skill-ups if needed.
  • You need to have completed The Proof of the Pudding for Researcher Thelzik Ku'Rok to speak with you in Bathezid's Watch
  • Crafting the Overseer's Shield and Overseer's Sword using a forge, you will need the following:
    • 5 Thaumic material
    • 6 Splitiron Ore
    • 6 Bornite Nodule
    • 6 Umbrite
    • 10 Thaumic Coal
  • After you complete this quest you will get mail telling you to see Scribbleclaw in the Twark encampment to upgrade your tradeskill cloak to the prestige version.


  1. Speak with Shanks in Twark at ( 270, -173, -746 ) Copy
  2. Return to Brytthel in Nye'Caelona at ( -210, 91, -209 ) Copy
  3. Consult the knowledge of sarnaks
    1. Speak with Researcher Thelzik Ku'Rok in Fens of Nathsar at ( 1164, 203, 1536 ) Copy at Bathezid's Watch.
    2. Receive a book with missing pages depending on your Tradeskill class at the end of the conversation:
  4. Find enough information to create a recipe:
    • Collect the missing pages of the book:
      • The even pages are trackable ground spawn scattered around and inside the building. You need the Earring of the Solstice to see them (you dont need to wear it, only to have its buff active, like for every other collection it allows to see).
      • The odd-numbered pages require clicking bookcases throughout the building.
    • Complete the Collection and turn it in to a Collector. You will receive the completed book, and a recipe appropriate to your class:
  5. I must work with other artisans to gather the items I'll need to enter Dalnir's crypt.
    • Acquire at least one ea. of
    • You will be able to make one (or two, if an outfitter) of these items yourself; the others must be obtained from other crafters. All of these items are freely tradable, so can be purchased via the broker if necessary.
      • Passing the items from alts via the shared bank does not seem to work.
      • However, having your alts mail you the items does work.
      • Alternately, you may take the items out of the shared bank from an alt, put it on the broker and take it off the broker without listing it, for the update.
      • Purchasing all 4 items from the broker, and having them in your inventory, will count and bypass this step
    • Make sure the quest updates to the "Enter Crypt of Dalnir" step before proceeding and you have at least one each of the listed items in your inventory.
  6. Enter the Crypt of Dalnir: Baron's Workshop (Tradeskill) at ( 792, -129, -581 ) Copy in Obulus Frontier near Twark (use the Twark Transport Totem to get there swiftly).

    The alcoves in the first long hallway have breakable walls if you climb into them.

  7. Find and speak to Haggle Baron Dalnir. To do so, do all of the following first:
    1. Turn the statue on the right ( -5, 29, -47 ) Copy
      • Use the Illusion: Mummified Ganak Noble to get past the iksar. Note: doing this before turning the statue might bug the zone. If so, cancel the illusion and start over, however please note that the illusion is a one-time use item, and you will need to acquire another one if you cancel the illusion before completing the zone.
      • Drag the incense dispenser to a hotbar. Use the Incense to kill the ghosts. It only works within 12m of mob, but note that the aggro range is about the same. If you target the mob and stand at 13m from it and cast the incense at them, it will work. Or you can lay down a trail of 1-3 incensers and run up to them then quickly away to drag them over the incense.
      • 02/28/2024 if you're 125 you can ignore using the censor as all mobs are greyed out and non aggro
    2. When you reach the first hallway, destroy the wall inside the alcoves at ( -136, 31, 29 ) Copy (see example image), enter the hidden room, and destroy the obulus vase to receive a crypt key. Note that the vase can be in either alcove.
    3. Go through the left door and down to The Reservoir of Slime. Fish in the "accumulation of goo" till you find overseer's key. Accumulation of goo are trackable with Track Harvestables.
      • You must get the on-screen update that there are "clumps of unidentifiable detritus floating around in the slime" else you will not get the key (ie, fishing before this is pointless).
      • You have to stand on the very edge to "see" the goo nodes. It is easy to fall in, and if you do you will immediately die.
      • NOTE: at Adv. Level 130 the slime is not immediately fatal, BUT, you can drown. Totem of the Otter was NOT EFFECTIVE, so you might as well stay out of the muck.

        accumulation of goo (Note: surface can no longer be seen through)

      • If running reduced graphics, the "accumulation of goo" *WILL* be invisible, look for the Hand icon to find and then Fish for key. Turning up Options.Display.Model Detail.Level of Detail Bias will make them easier to see as well.
  8. Go to the door at ( -198, 27, -328 ) Copy

    Use caution when fishing from the Accumulation of Goo. Falling in will kill you!

  9. Place the Overseer's Shield on the shield stand ( -199, 29, -399 ) Copy and the Overseer's Sword on the sword stand ( -258, 29, -399 ) Copy.
    A shield stand

    a shield stand

    A sword stand

    a sword stand

  10. Go through the door ( -229, 26, -421 ) and speak with Haggle Baron Dalnir. If you speak to him a second time (after crafting confirmed), he will kill you. (will turn into a 120 4x raid mob if you talk to him with no illusion on)
  11. Craft Rune Conduit
    • The Rune Conduit must be crafted at one of the three Dalnir's Forges in Dalnir's room, and requires items from the two side-rooms:

      bar of imbued tynnonium on table

      • imbued tynonnium - imbued tynnonium in room on R/west ( -152, 28, -463 ) Copy
      • Dalnir's smithing hammer - from Dalnir's work chest at ( -278, 26, -441 ) Copy in room on L/east.
        Dalnir's work chest

        Dalnir's work chest

      • dust of ethernere - from small bag on a table in room on R/west. ( -183, 28, -464 ) Copy
        Dust of ethernere

        dust of ethernere

      • blessed water - from "container of water" in room on R/west. ( -157, 26, -449 ) Copy
        Container of water

        container of water

      • 2 Dalnir's infused coal - from "a bin of infused coal" in room on R/west ( -162, 26, -468 ) Copy or ( -171, 28, -471 ) Copy
        A bin of infused coal

        a bin of infused coal

  12. Take the Rune Conduit and return to Brytthel in Nye'Caelona at ( -210, 91, -209 ) Copy - she'll send you to Arcanna'se Spire in Thalumbria, so just use the green portal-pedestal on the Nye'Caelona platform to fast-travel there instead of the in-game map-travel.
  13. Enter the Arcanna'se Spire: Into The Spire (Tradeskill) in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep-63, 14, 163 ) Copy. From this point onward the quest will not update reading "Prepare the Relics" until you have finished step 17 below and completed Time Is Short.
  14. Repair the broken portals.
    1. Enter the first room on the left ( 50, 1, 16 ) Copy to learn there are three broken portals, find a way to repair them.
    2. In the library (second room on the left) is a scroll Spire Portal Construction and Repair at ( 105, 3, 17 ) Copy. The scroll has a golden particle effect.
    3. Craft 3 spire anchors (blueprint works) with Arcanna'se Workbench at ( -17, 1, -25 ) Copy,
      Spire Portal Contruction and Repair
      Arcanna'se Workbench

      Arcanna'se Workbench

      Candle wax

      candle wax

      Broken spire anchor

      broken spire ancho

      each requires:
      • Arcanna'se precious metal, harvest from Arcanna'se Ore - found in the garden where the workbench is.
      • 3 Arcanna'se hardwood, harvest from the large green "Hardwood shrub" in the same room.
      • candle wax - from the room in the SE room-57, 4, 32 ) Copy, from a candle on the table.
    4. Repair the 3 broken spire anchors at ( 49, 1, 11 ) Copy
  15. Use the portal to travel to the upper level
  16. Speak with Queen Alwenielle at ( -471, 5, 20 ) Copy
  17. Queen Alwenielle will give you the quest Time Is Short at the end of the conversation. Complete Time Is Short .
  18. Do not return to Brytthel until you have completed Time Is Short or she will not talk to you.
  19. Return to Brytthel

