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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category South Freeport
Introduced LU01
Journal Level 15 (Tier 2)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone South Freeport more
How to Start Lavic N'Gam
part of: Freeport Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Like a Ring in a Haystack

What does this information mean?

Lavic N'Gam in South Freeport wants a ring which last known to be in the possession of a The Commonlands farmer named Gyberg Thizweald.


  1. Five areas need to be searched to see if any trace of Gyberg can be found (they may be visited in any order):
  2. Finding nothing with this search, the next logical step is to kill farmers in The Commonlands until some clue to Gyberg's whereabouts can be found. This is an uncommon auto-update.
    • The farmers can be found in the fields around ( -208, -46, -160 ) Copy
  3. The clue found points to the mausoleum near the nomad camps in Dead Man's Valley.
    • This is northwest of the Crossroads, west of Dog Trapper Lake at ( 161, -48, -740 ) Copy. Examine the skeleton there on the ground before the mausoleum to find that it is the remains of poor Gyberg.
  4. Return to Lavic N'Gam ( -79, -25, 171 ) Copy to report these findings. This ends the quest, and opens the next in the series, Like a Ring in a Haystack.

