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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced Destiny of Velious
Journal Level 95 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Great Divide more
How to Start Speak with Erus Dal'viv in Icy Fingers (Fina's Retreat) ( -1374, -533, -2269 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
part of: The Fallen Swords Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
The Fallen Swords: Sins of the Past

What does this information mean?


  1. Kill some of the undead around the Tower of Frozen Shadows in the Iceclad Ocean area of the Great Divide:
    • Kill any 8 undead in Iceclad Ocean
    • Kill Delhagin the Frightful-1094, -491, -1583 ) Copy
  2. Return to Erus in Fina's Retreat.
  3. Enter the Tower of Frozen Shadow ( -1116, -526, -1719 ) Copy and attempt to find any information relating to Tserrina's intentions. This can be done with a cleared instance even if the player with the cleared instance already did this step.
    • Find a piece of Tserrina's notes, at ( 16, 217, -20 ) Copy in Shadowed Corridors on the Third Floor: The Shadowed Barracks.
    • Find a second set of Tserrina's notes, at ( 77, 290, -13 ) Copy in Darkness Rising in Umbral Halls. Accessible by falling down the hole and running up the spiral ramp.
    • Find the last part of Tserrina's notes, at ( 14, 561, 38 ) Copy in VhalSera's Dominion in Umbral Halls.
    • Search for a tome relating to the Age's End prophecy, at ( -94, 75, -72 ) Copy in Shadowed Corridors on the Second Floor: The Frozen Library.
  4. Return to Erus in Fina's Retreat.
  5. Speak with the Duality in Thurgadin, City of the Coldain (within the Temple of Brell) ( 475, -212, 245 ) Copy


  • At least 1p 50g