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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 95 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Thurgadin, City of the Coldain more
How to Start Talk to the Duality475, -212, 246 ) Copy in Thurgadin, City of the Coldain
part of: The Fallen Swords Timeline
Preceded by:
The Fallen Swords: Reasons and Rime
Followed by:
The Fallen Swords: From the Edge
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak to Roehn Theer (NPC) at ( -238, 250, 59 ) Copy in The Stonebrunt Highlands (Must speak Words of Shade)
  2. Return to The Duality at ( 475, -212, 246 ) Copy in Thurgadin, City of the Coldain
  3. Speak to Erus Dal'viv at ( -1229, -537, 3194 ) Copy in the Eastern Wastes in Nipik's Haven
  4. Speak to Scout Fipitt at ( -1148, -348, 2988 ) Copy in the Eastern Wastes
  5. Speak to Ullk Heartripper at ( -932, -360, 2966 ) Copy in the Eastern Wastes (Must be able to speak Orcish for this step)
  6. Return to Erus Dal'viv at ( 225, -537, 3 ) Copy in the Eastern Wastes in Nipik's Haven
  7. Kill the following:
  8. Speak with Glarn Furyheart at ( -954, 76, -933 ) Copy in Kael Drakkel in the Hypogeum ( behind banner in hidden wall )
    • Search within the Iceshard Keep in Kael Drakkel at ( -453, 148, 266 ) Copy **Note - if you're not familiar with these zones - this is within the KAEL DRAKKEL zone - not in the Iceshard Keep instanced zone.
    • Search within the Throne of Storms in Kael Drakkel, find a book on a bookshelf at ( 158, 23, 1616 ) Copy
    • Search within The Temple of Rallos Zek in Kael Drakkel (NOTE: this last piece requires you to have completed the full Kael Drakkel Timeline to open the locked door at ( -442, 160, -2155 ) Copy
  9. Return to The Duality at ( 475, -212, 246 ) Copy in Thurgadin, City of the Coldain
  10. Destroy the Idol of Rallos Zek in the Temple of Rallos Zek (accessable from the teleporter pad OUTSIDE the castle at loc (-1407.19 , 21.44 , -762.01 ) NOTE: This is the Heroic instance, not the area from the prior step.
  11. Return to The Duality at ( 475, -212, 246 ) Copy in Thurgadin, City of the Coldain

