Speak with Glarn Furyheart at ( -954, 76, -933 ) Copy/waypoint -954, 76, -933 in Kael Drakkel in the Hypogeum ( behind banner in hidden wall )
Search within the Iceshard Keep in Kael Drakkel at ( -453, 148, 266 ) Copy/waypoint -453, 148, 266 **Note - if you're not familiar with these zones - this is within the KAEL DRAKKEL zone - not in the Iceshard Keep instanced zone.
Search within the Throne of Storms in Kael Drakkel, find a book on a bookshelf at ( 158, 23, 1616 ) Copy/waypoint 158, 23, 1616
Destroy the Idol of Rallos Zek in the Temple of Rallos Zek (accessable from the teleporter pad OUTSIDE the castle at loc (-1407.19 , 21.44 , -762.01 ) NOTE: This is the Heroic instance, not the area from the prior step.