What does this information mean?
- Speak to Erus Dal'viv ( 10, 1, 4 ) Copy/waypoint 9.71, 0.57, 4.14in The Fortress of Drunder
- Speak to Vilbrog Wrathwind in The Fortress of Drunder
- Prove yourself in the Spire of Rage:
- Defeat 15 Sullonites
- Speak to Dalrinai Heartrage, beyond the first doorway at ( -3, 102, 99 ) Copy/waypoint -3, 102, 99
- Defeat the Daiku Warleader, Grolla Skullwielder
- Return to Dalrinai Heartrage in the Spire of Rage
- Prove yourself in the Strategist's Stonghold:
- Speak with Ellrien Silverblade at ( 16, 0, 93 ) Copy/waypoint 16, 0, 93
- Defeat 12 Avazeks and collect their feathers
- Defeat Warmaster Korok Hai
- Speak with Ellrien Silverblade another time
- Finally, prove yourself in Tower of Tactics:
- Defeat Arch-Bishop Rektor
- Defeat the Daiku Wolf Mistress, Deynka Packlasher
- Return to Erus in Drunder.
- Speak with the Duality in Thurgadin ( 475, -212, 246 ) Copy/waypoint 475.38, -211.64, 245.68.
- At least 48g 35s 24c
- One of the Following:
Also allows you to purchase Class specific red adornments from Maayla A'nadir in Thurgadin.