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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced LU60
Journal Level 90 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Thurgadin, City of the Coldain more
How to Start Talk to the Duality475, -212, 246 ) Copy in Thurgadin
part of: The Fallen Swords Timeline
Preceded by:
The Fallen Swords: From the Edge
Followed by:
The Fallen Swords: Endgame The War of Skyshrine: Keeping Enemies Close

What does this information mean?


  1. Seek out The projection of Tunare in the Greater Faydark-208, 42, 417 ) Copy.
  2. Speak to The projection of Cazic-Thule in Shard of Fear88, 5, 376 ) Copy. Note that the mobs within the zone will be gray at level 90, allowing you to proceed to Cazic undetected.
  3. Return to The Duality in Thurgadin. ( 475, -212, 246 ) Copy
  4. Speak with the Children of War. Each is in a special instance, accessed through their normal door in Drunder. (For Vallon's Retreat, you must NOT be in a group. You may be grouped for easy access for Tallon's and Sullon's.
  5. Speak to Erus Dal'viv in The Fortress of Drunder10, 1, 4 ) Copy
  6. Gather the materials needed to create the temper from within Elements of War:
    • 6 Endless Battlefield Soil, a ground-spawn.
    • 6 Essence of War, an auto-update from trash within the zone.
    • The blood of Decorin Bonewing, an auto-update upon his death.
  7. Take the ingredients to Grelik Velgorg on the lower level in The Fortress of Drunder.
  8. Return to Erus Dal'viv on the upper level.

