Find where Rhodoqiz Karazz's sisters have stashed her in the jungle. ( 773, 75, -395 ) Copy/waypoint 773, 75, -395
Talk to the reet guardian next to the cage and defeat him after he aggros.
Talk to Rhodoqiz Karazz in the cage to free her.
After freed, she will run towards the Spectral Godmother and despawn. If other group members have the quest they can hail her as she's running for the update. Respawn time is about 1 minute.
Return to Spectral Godmother. She will give you a Chokidai Harness.
Using the Chokidai Harness, leash 2 wild chokidai predators ( 486, 63, -540 ) Copy/waypoint 486, 63, -540 and bring them back one at a time to the Spectral Godmother. On returning the second time, she will then give you a Sabrecat Harness.
Leash an undergrowth sabrecat ( 490, -25, -40 ) Copy/waypoint 490, -25, -40 and return it to the Spectral Godmother.
Pick a big mushroom. ( 740, 72, -351 ) Copy/waypoint 740, 72, -351