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EverQuest 2 Wiki
The Nest of the Great Egg

The Egg's Blessing

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Kingdom of Sky
Level Range 70
Zone in from The Barren Sky
Entrance is at

The Whisperwind Isle-675, -21, -498 ) Copy

Parent Zone The Nest of the Great Egg
Required Quest Blood of the Brood
Difficulty Solo
Persistence This instance doesn't have a timer restriction.
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


The objective of this instance is to sneak past all of the Vultak guards without alerting them. Fortunately, they have a very small aggro radius, assisted further by the use of Hoo'Loh's Strifewing disguise, which turns all the mobs grey however does not make them entirely immune to aggro. If at any point you move too close to a vultak, a message will flash on the screen informing you that you have failed and need to return to Hoo'Loh to pick up a new disguise. Note, if you are high level, use the disguise and have your pet or merc kill all of the mobs, before they see you. They respawn, so pick a side to go down in each area. Clear the mobs in the egg room, then click the egg.

  1. Jump down to ( 51, 86, 0 ) Copy, and apply the disguise. Proceed through the instance as you would in the parent zone, The Nest of the Great Egg.
  2. Go to the climbable wall at ( 190, 57, 0 ) Copy.
  3. When you reach the top, you will notice that the two passages leading to the elevator are being patrolled by vultaks. To sneak past, wait for the vultak on the left-hand passage to move forward just enough so you can sneak into the room at ( 169, 82, -31 ) Copy.
  4. Wait until the guard moves safely beyond the door, and then move to the elevator at ( 145, 92, 0 ) Copy, and ride it up.
  5. Click on the egg to commune with it. It can be interacted with from a safe distance.