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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The City of Freeport  (AA)
Introduced Age of Discovery
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The City of Freeport more
How to Start Speak to Lerenth outside The Freeport Militia House124, -16, 121 ) Copy
part of: The City of Freeport Timeline
Preceded by:
Culling the Disloyal
Followed by:
The Reward for Loyalty

What does this information mean?


  1. Use a city bell to enter The Sprawl
  2. Kill 15 rioting Dreadnaughts
    • You can speak to Lerenth ( -45, -4, -45 ) Copy to turn him into a level plus one mob that follows you around and sometimes attacks your opponents
    • Starting at ( -22, -2, -51 ) Copy, NPC rioting bashers, rioting brutes, and rioting thugs will aggro as you move down the road; they can be one down arrow, even con, or one up arrow
  3. Kill Modoc the Fist (level plus one, even con) ( 57, -2, -21 ) Copy. Kill the two trained hounds (level plus one, one down) first, as they shield Modoc.
  4. Speak to Lerenth-45, -4, -45 ) Copy

