EverQuest 2 Wiki
The Direvine Matron

The Direvine Matron

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Mystic Lake (Fallen Dynasty)
Race Dryad
Level 75▲▲▲ Tier 8 Epic x4 , (Approx. HP: 3,300,000)
Location Spawns after defeating The Overseer of Change and Korzak the Constructor at The Ring of Direful-71, 9, 417 ) Copy
Reported Drops
Melee Attacks Crushing
Spell Attacks Crushing, Piercing, Magic, Heat
Special Attacks
  • Rain of Thistles, Magic DD (AoE) 60 second recast.
  • Searing Moon, Heat DD (AoE) 45 second recast.
AA Exp yes
Status Points none

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