Speak with Walheed Raffini in The Pillars of Flame ( 896, -169, -1579 ) Copy/waypoint 896, -169, -1579 to gain the option to select this instance from the mirror at ( 884, -177, -1595 ) Copy/waypoint 884, -177, -1595
Very little is known about the Court of Al'Afaz, save the fact that not many seem to return after they enter. It's said to be a place paused at a point in both the cosmos and time itself.
Don't clear this instance while too high level (everything grey), or the book you need off Brius Lakado will not drop, preventing you from completing the instance.
All members of the raid entering this zone must hail Walheed Raffini each time they enter the zone.
The evac point is outside the zone. If you or any group in your raid uses evac, they will be translocated to The Pillars of Flame, outside the zone, and will be locked out for 12 hours. Consider taking the group death and reviving at the zone entrance instead of using evac to avoid this problem.
A druid using Verdurous Journey does NOT evac you outside the zone however. (tried on 1/21/2015, ended up at the door-mirror within the zone)
Low faction will get you attacked quicker. Although all named mobs provide guild experience, faction within the zone is only affected by killing the named mobs located in each of the four towers. Each named tower mob will drop your faction with the Al'Afaz court accordingly. At present, there is no known way to improve your faction with the Court. This is important to keep in mind as you ride any elevator in the zone. When elevators arrive at their destinations, you may be immediately attacked if your faction is low enough.
The majority of loot drops in this zone are no-trade and class specific.
Make sure to kill The Keeper of the City Keys just inside the zone-in. If you do not kill him other bosses won't spawn, and you'll have to go all the way back to get him.