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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The Ruins of Varsoon
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 30 (Tier 4)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Qeynos Capitol District more
How to Start Read The Commander's Wife, found on a stack of books in The Concordium Tower (red portal) in South Qeynos at ( 709, 41, 108 ) Copy
part of: The Ruins of Varsoon Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:

What does this information mean?

This quest is also part of the Book Quests Timeline.


Go to The Ruins of Varsoon:

  1. Slay 3-8 servants of Varsoon. ( 4, 0, 15 ) Copy
  2. Examine the book.
  3. Slay 3-8 clay guardians. ( 26, 0, 38 ) Copy
  4. Examine the book.
  5. Slay 3-8 glimmer goblins. ( 93, 3, -53 ) Copy; respawn times can be upwards of 20 minutes.
  6. Examine the book.
  7. Slay 3-8 clay guardians. ( 26, 0, 38 ) Copy and/or ( 161, 7, 7 ) Copy
  8. Examine the book.
  9. Slay 3-8 spirited tomes. ( 258, -3, 124 ) Copy and ( 14, 4, 81 ) Copy; respawn times can be upwards of 20 minutes. (There is also a solo book that spwns at 162,0,97, in the Workshop of the Summoner, and this is another quick-succession triple-spawn room. Another room of spawning tomes is at ( 231, -7, 51 ) Copy, where on a bookshelf you will find The Varsoon Collection, Volume 1 - Varsoon and the Combine Era as well as The Blood of the Bear, Part Three).
  10. Examine the book.
  11. Slay 3-8 glimmer goblins. ( 93, 3, -53 ) Copy
  12. Examine the book.
  13. Slay 3-8 mindless spinners. ( 25, 0, 96 ) Copy; respawn times can be upwards of 30 minutes.
  14. Examine the book.
  15. Slay 3-8 clay guardians. ( 26, 0, 38 ) Copy
  16. Examine the book.
  17. Slay 3-8 spirited tomes. ( 258, -3, 124 ) Copy and ( 14, 4, 81 ) Copy
  18. Examine the book.

