EverQuest 2 Wiki
The City of Mist

The City of Mist

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EverQuest II Point of Interest
Zone Kunzar Jungle (Rise of Kunark)
Location Far north end of the map ( -224, 146, -913 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Discovery Location (AA) Yes

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The City of Mist, formerly known as Torsis, was the richest trade city Kunark had ever seen. Built by Lord Rak'Ashiir, it featured bustling bazaars, vibrant festivals, and devout faithfulness to Cazic-Thule.

Lord Rak`Ashiir's wife, Queen Neh`Ashiir was instrumental to much of Lord Rak'Ashiir's early success and that of Torsis. They soon started a family with the birth of a daughter, however despite the lavish lifestyle, her husband's politics would soon have a toll on their relationship. There was a festival that Lord Rak`Ashiir hosted to appoint another high priest into the Cazic-Thule clergy. The festival would also include the High Scale, which was an order of knights that would attend the event to present and judge various contents of skill in arms. Once knight in particular that was present at this festival was named Kirn. Kirn may not have been the mightiest of knights but he certainly had a successful track record on the battlefield. He also had quite the controversial reputation amongst the High Scale. Traditionally it wasn't uncommon for knights of the High Scale to practice complete celibacy. However, Kirn would convince the public that females played an integral role in the religious crusade.

The Queen found Kirn's presence and energy to be quite attractive and the two would have a secret relationship behind the back of Lord Rak`Ashiir. In one instance, the head housekeeper found Kirn's High Scale Icon left behind in the royal chambers while Lord Rak`Ashiir was away on business. The Queen's infidelity eventually turned into her disappearance from the city and she would never been seen again - at least not alive. Lord Rak`Ashiir was seemingly devastated by his wife's disappearance and immediately had scouts deployed to search the surrounding area for any traces of her. He also hired mercenaries to venture into froglok territories in the event that she was kidnapped. After months of searching, nothing surfaced. Lord Rak'Ashiir began to question his faith in Cazic-Thule. Over time, the grand churches devoted to the Cazic-Thule for which Torsis was known for, fell into disarray as Rak'Ashiir pulled their funding.

Cazic-Thule was not amused by this lack of respect, so the God of Fear decided that a clear message had to be sent. He sent a minion to kidnap Lord Rak'Ashiir's daughter and banish her to the Shard of Fear. This would seal the fate not only for Rak'Ashiir but for the entire city of Torsis. In pure defiance and rage at his former deity, Rak'Ashiir banned the public worship of Cazic-Thule and ordered what remained of his churches torn down. With this, Cazic-Thule had had enough and using the same green mist that he used to put an end to the Shissar, he purged Torsis of the living.

The once glorious city of Torsis, now consumed by mist, would have its residents replaced with the undead. The palace reavers and golems that were once assigned to protect the city were left with no other directive than to destroy anything that would enter. In an act of godly cruelty, Cazic-Thule denied Rak'Ashiir death and commanded his undead, tormented soul to continue ruling Torsis. Except now, instead of a thriving city filled with life and prosperity, Rak'Ashiir would rule over the dead and cold stones of the City of Mist. (Source: Mostly from https://fvproject.com/index.php/The_City_of_Mist)

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