Within this cave, the monks of the Ashen Order face the most daunting of physical challenges as they defeat the dangerous creatures which lurk within. The monks that fail to meet those challenges either leave their order or go insane. Nonetheless, Kufu, The Keeper of Knowledge has set up his study here, so you must conquer your fear if you wish to make it to him.
You can use stealth or invisibility to avoid most encounters in this instance.
To reach Kufu, as you move through the cave always keep to the right. His encampment is a safe location.
The harvesting nodes for the Muck Bush Ingredients quest will respawn in the instance.
Access Quests[]
Access to this instance requires you to obtain the appropriate access quest, based on your character's alignment. For characters of good alignment, you must have at least 30,000 faction with the Ashen Order monks. If you are of evil alignment, you must have at least 30,000 faction with the Ashen Disciple monks.