EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki
The Item, Location, Quest, Mob or NPC referred to by this page has been removed from EverQuest II.
This article is being retained for historical reasons
This series of World Event quests led up to the release of Echoes of Faydwer and then were removed from the game

Return of the Gods Timeline
1a. Spear of the Sentries
1b. Shreds of Fear
2a. The Arena of Zek
2b. Peaceful Prison Break
3a. Awakening of the Underfoot
3b. Trial of Flame
4a. The Battle of Cauldron Hollow (Good)
4b. The Battle of Cauldron Hollow (Evil)
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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event
Introduced LU28
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Antonica more
How to Start Speak to Eva Corunno'thes (Antonica) at the new Druid Ring on the Northeast coast of Antonica. (Conversation Script)
part of: Return of the Gods Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:

What does this information mean?



  1. Upon zoning into the instance, Battlefield of Cauldron Hollow, you receive a full set of Ivy Etched armor and appear as a Greenhood, Kithicor Ranger Gandari, with a bow, arrows, and 8 spells:
  2. Put on your armor, arm yourself, and cast your Trueshot and Barbcoat.
  3. Talk to Leaf Falldim.
  4. Hail Pathfinder Rolan and send the elite greenhood troops into battle.
  5. Find and kill Prince Talvus Thex.
  6. Once Prince Talvus Thex is dead, red con mobs will spawn a slaughter you and your troops.
  7. When you die, you return to Antonica and Eva Corunno'thes (Antonica) rewards you. You do not get to try again.

