Some players have reported that entering Skyshrine does not update this quest, even though the level requirement to enter the area was removed. Using an appropriate adventure level character is advised. Others have reported no Skyshrine quest update, continued the quest, and had the next step: 6. Salt Breeze complete the quest.
Fina's Retreat ( -1581, -540, -2356 ) Copy/waypoint -1581, -540, -2356 Take the bell to The Sinking Sands, and talk to the Othmir on the Docks. They will teleport you directly there.
Thurgadin, City of the Coldain ( 772, -181, 47 ) Copy/waypoint 771.93, -181.12, 46.66 in Great Divide behind the waterfall. Enter Thurgadin, City of the Coldain from the Thurgadin Harbor and travel through the city to exit at Dain's Last Stand ( 674, -250, 64 ) Copy/waypoint 674, -250, 64. The update is back in The Great Divide on the other side of that exit.
New Combine Foothold ( -3695, -779, -214 ) Copy/waypoint -3695, -779, -214 in The Withered Lands (talk to the New Combine Flight Master ( 1278, -540, 304 ) Copy/waypoint 1278, -540, 304 in Great Divide at the Thurgadin Harbor).
Salt Breeze in Cobalt Scar ( 3623, -1016, 1692 ) Copy/waypoint 3623, -1016, 1692 Use the same griffin on the Thurgadin Harbor (Great Divide docks) to travel to Cobalt Scar. Ride west a short distance to Salt Breeze. (Note: Global Globe bell in guild will not have option to travel to Cobalt scar)